Illinois Bill Would Create Special Lottery Game To Fight Juvenile Diabetes

Image showing a lottery scratch-off game along with the Illinois state outline featuring the IL Lottery logo for a story about a new bill going through the state's Senate that would create a new lottery game that helps fight against juvenile diabetes.

Illinois legislators are looking to create a special lottery game to help fight juvenile diabetes.

Introduced by Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-24th District), SB 3089 would create a new scratch-off game. This particular lottery option would see its revenue go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

It’s the latest effort from legislators to use the Illinois Lottery to generate funding through instant win games.

New lottery game designed to combat juvenile diabetes in Illinois

The original SB 3089 has gone through five different amendments to get to where it sits now, with the Senate Executive Committee.

The bill would amend the current Illinois Lottery Law by creating a special instant scratch-off game, as well as special funding. All proceeds would benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through a fund of the same name. It’s important to note that this would be a retail game only, not an option for those playing the Illinois lottery online.

The money would go to the Illinois chapter of this foundation. It would help with type 1 diabetes research, support, education, and awareness. All net revenue from the game would go into the foundation fund.

Illinois’ Department of Public Health would administer the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Fund and pass on all of the money deposited as grants. They would be for research, treatment, and awareness of diabetes, along with improved diabetes self-management and training.

This bill states that the department can’t unreasonably diminish the efforts devoted to marketing any other instant scratch-off lottery game during this time.

The latest version was sent to the Senate Executive Committee on March 20. The committee has until April 5 to act on the bill.

Illinois Lottery revenue supports many causes

This bill isn’t the first in Illinois designed to fund special causes through the state lottery.

Currently, Illinois has six different retail scratch-off games that have their proceeds go to specific groups in need:

  • $200,000 Bingo Tripler ($5): All profits go toward good causes in Illinois.
  • Carolyn Adams Ticket For The Cure ($3): All profits go toward breast cancer research, awareness, and education in Illinois.
  • Wild Tripler Win ($2): All profits go toward Alzheimer’s care, support, education, and awareness programs in Illinois.
  • Double Match ($2): All profits go toward homelessness prevention and assistance programs.
  • Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ($3): All profits are dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS in Illinois.
  • Cash TO GO! ($2): All profits go toward supporting police memorials in Illinois.

Legislation in the last year has also called for Illinois Lottery games to be created for funding the United Negro College Fund, multiple-sclerosis support, veterans, and more.

Louisiana introduced a bill last month that would see three different scratch-off games created for special interests. One would benefit veterans, another would help senior citizens, and the last would assist those with special needs.


Photo by PlayiLottery

About the Author

Drew Ellis

Drew Ellis

Lead Writer
A member of Catena Media since 2020, Drew Ellis is the Lead Writer at PlayiLottery, where he handles coverage of the online lottery industry in the US. He previously spearheaded news content at PlayMichigan, where he covered one of the most prominent online lottery industries in the US — among the many other aspects of Michigan's sprawling iGaming market. You can email him at [email protected].
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