A proposed bill would see the Louisiana Lottery create three new games with proceeds going to three charitable causes.
One game would have proceeds directed to veterans, one to senior citizens, and one to persons with special needs.
The bill was introduced and read in the Senate earlier this month and has been referred to the Judiciary B Committee. It does not yet have a hearing scheduled.
Games to benefit vets, elderly, and special needs population
Senate Bill 348 was introduced by William Wheat Jr. (R-37th District). It authorizes three separate additional lottery games to be created.
The debut of the games — which would be scratch-offs, or the retail version of instant lottery games — would solely be for proceeds to go to veterans, senior citizens, and persons with special needs.
In each instance, the game tickets would be designed and advertised in a manner that makes clear to the public that all net proceeds go to the specific group.
One game would be for veterans, and proceeds would be entered into the Veterans Game Fund. Another would be for senior citizens, with proceeds entered into the Senior Citizens Game Fund. The third would be for persons with special needs and proceeds entered into the Persons with Special Needs Game Fund.
All three funds would be within the Lottery Proceeds Fund, which goes to the state treasury.
Bill would establish new boards, as well
On top of the proposed games, the bill also would create a Veterans Game Board, a Senior Citizens Game Board, and a Persons with Special Needs Game Board.
These boards would be responsible for the disbursement of the net proceeds from their respective games. They would ensure the funds get to programs that benefit those the games were intended for.
Members of these boards would not require confirmation from the Senate and would serve without compensation. They would work alongside an annually elected chairman and vice chairman.
The bill was passed on to the Judiciary B Committee when regular legislative sessions began on March 11. The final adjournment for the legislative sessions will be no later than Monday, June 3, at 6 p.m.
$212.1 million given to Louisiana Treasury in FY 2023
In fiscal year 2023, the Louisiana Lottery had over $653.3 million in revenue, which was a record-setting performance.
Of that revenue, $212.1 million went to the state treasury through the Lottery Proceeds Fund. The proceeds were earmarked for the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP). MFP funds K-12 public education in Louisiana.
In addition, the first $500,000 in annual lottery proceeds is set aside for the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-Office of Behavioral Health to fund problem gambling programs.
Over the first half of FY 2024, $62.7 million has been sent to the state treasury and the Lottery Proceeds Fund.
Since 2004, the Louisiana Lottery has supplied more than $4.5 billion to the state treasury.
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